Name: Niki Van Wyk
School: Appleton North
Year in School: Senior
Sports: Basketball, Softball, Volleyball
Parents’ names: Tim and Lisa
Siblings’ names: Peter
Favorite aspect of your school: Student Support at games
What is your favorite class? Fashion + Interior Design
Who is your favorite teacher? Mrs. Camber
What is the best advice one of your coaches has given you? Potential means nothing.
Favorite place to play on the road in the FVA? Hortonville
Favorite athlete to compete against in the FVA: Emily Nelson - Hortonville
Favorite memory from being involved in co-curricular activities is…: Hitting a Walk-Off Home Run this past softball season
Favorite professional team: Golden State Warriors (no i'm not a bandwagon)
Favorite professional athlete: Steph Curry (still not a bandwagon)
College or post-high school plans: Not sure yet
What is your desired major/career field? Interior Design
Something people would be surprised to know about me is…: I can solve a Rubik's Cube
What is at the top of your “bucket list?” Travel the World
What is your dream job? Food Truck
Favorite person to follow on Social Media: Natalie Dvoracek (check out natty's vids on YT)
When I have a weekend off of sports, you can usually find me... With friends
A non-athletic talent I have is…: Music