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Lilly Kejo, Fond du Lac

FVA Spotlight: Lilly Kejo, Fond du Lac Basketball, Soccer and Volleyball

Name: Lilly Kejo 

School: Fond du Lac

Year in School: Sophomore

Sports: Basketball, Soccer, Volleyball

Parents’ names: Amy and Zach Kejo 

Siblings’ names: Amaria Kejo 

Favorite aspect of your school: I love the school environment and how there is someone new to talk to or a new friend to make. I enjoy learning, but the social aspect makes it all the more better. 

If you have been involved in community service projects, which has been most rewarding and why? The most rewarding community service project I have done is probably Sleep in Heavenly Peace, where we made tie blankets for the homeless. I think it was the most rewarding because I was able to give something that not only I made, but that is something that I feel is taken for granted. It made me realize that even the small things like blankets, a warm meal, or a roof under our heads, is something that is a privilege that not everyone is able to have. It was great to be able to help people in need . 

What is your favorite class? Math 

Who is your favorite teacher? Ms. Ruch or Ms. Bielke 

What is the best advice one of your coaches has given you? Always work hard and do the little things even when you may not feel like it. 

Favorite youth coach: Travis Ernst - he is the first coach that truly pushed me past what I thought I could do and I am forever thankful for him. 

Favorite place to play on the road in the FVA? Neenah 

Favorite athlete to compete against in the FVA: For basketball, Allie Ziebell from Neenah. She is a great player and someone that is great to watch and learn from. Not only is she very skilled but is also very humble.  

Favorite memory from being involved in co-curricular activities is…: Any sort of team bonding. Just being able to hang out and become close, not only on the court or field, but off is so fun. 

Favorite professional team: Milwaukee Bucks

Favorite professional athlete: Aliyah Boston

College or post-high school plans: I plan to go to college, still don't really have an idea of where yet.

What is your desired major/career field?  I can't really decide what I want to do, everything sounds fun. All I know is whatever I decide to do, it will involve people. I love being around people. 

Something people would be surprised to know about me is…: I never stop talking and singing. Anyone that is always around me could tell you how much I sing at school, especially when doing homework.  You can always catch me singing but without explicit words because I do not swear, at all. That always shocks people. Also, I talk a lot and most times forget I am even doing it. Overall, I love making people laugh and am a very extroverted person. 

What is at the top of your “bucket list?” Go to Greece 

What is your dream job? I don't really have one, just something that I have fun doing 

Favorite person to follow on Social Media: Jared Mccain 

When I have a weekend off of sports, you can usually find me... probably hanging out with friends or doing homework 

A non-athletic talent I have is…: baking or cooking